
Archive for May, 2017

Apparently, gone are the days when Democrat candidates for Governor in Virginia try to appeal to gun owners to get elected.  Remember when then candidate Mark Warner had outdoor enthusiast Sherry Crumley and strategist Mudcat Sanders help him build “Sportsmen for Warner”?  He successfully ran away from his past of strong support for three-day waiting periods for the purchase of firearms, opposition to shall issue concealed carry, support for the Clinton gun ban, and successfully kept the NRA from openly endorsing his Republican opponent.  He went on to sign 17 substantive pro-rights bills while Governor, had no vetoes, and earned an “A” rating from the NRA in his 2008 U.S. Senate Race.

Even Tim Kaine, who used taxpayer money to send buses of supporters to the 2000 “Million Mom March” as Mayor of Richmond, tried to reach out to gun owners and reassure them he was not supportive of new gun control.  His term for Governor was not as friendly to gun owners as Warner’s as he vetoed several good bills that gun owners would have to wait for Governor Bob McDonnell to sign.

Terry McAuliffe, began the move away from appealing to gun owners, though seemed to think touting his purchase of a shotgun early in the 2013 campaign meant he supported firearm freedom.

This year, Lt. Governor Ralph Northam and former Congressman Tom Perriello are falling all over themselves to be the most anti-rights candidate.  Perriello has completely flip flopped on his position related to firearm freedom where he was endorsed by the NRA in 2010, only to now call them a  “nut-job extremist organization.”  UVA political scientist Larry Sabato told NBC News recently that Northam may actually be to the left of Perriello on guns and other issues.

This election is vitally important to Virginia gun owners.  The individual elected this November will sign into law the next legislative redistricting maps.  If the next Governor is anti-rights, you can be sure he will demand a redistricting map that will help elect more candidates that are supportive of his position on key issues.  Those maps will be law for 10 years.  Virginia gun owners must get involved now to elect pro-rights candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and the House of Delegates.  In the case of the Governor’s race, that most assuredly will not be a Democrat.

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