
Posts Tagged ‘Dave Workman’

Gun rights advocate and writer Dave Workman laid out in an article posted last week at Ammoland five reasons why  Biden’s gun control proposal will fail to do what he claims they will do.

With the launch of their frontal assault on firearms rights via H.R. 8 and H.R. 127, Capitol Hill Democrats have made it clear they are not interested in facts or the “common sense” their gun control campaign perennially claims to represent, and instead provided all the justification necessary for a hard-hitting pro-rights ad campaign by a grassroots gun rights organization now heading into its second week.

Ammoland News did some homework and found five clear reasons—call them examples—why gun control fails and will always fail; the proof routinely ignored by gun prohibitionists whose ultimate goal, according to Second Amendment activists, has never been violent crime reduction but unilateral public disarmament.

The article then provides five examples of felons caught in possession of firearms, something that is illegal then says:

Each of these cases underscores why gun control is inherently and irreversibly doomed to failure, says the Second Amendment community. Criminals do not obey gun laws. They never have and never will.

We need every gun owner engaged to stop these bills.  Contact your representative today.

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